Thanks Everybody!
Hey to everyone who has followed this blog from the beginning, its really awesome and i appreciate everything you have read and taken in, it means a massive amount to me. Please share this with anyone who might be interested, i know i'm no Scott Manley, but i have a massive passion for this game, and i find that i have learnt so much about the laws of physics and appreciating spaceflight and how difficult it can be. I also would hope that this blog finds more of an American audience.
I love that my own country is viewing my gaming blogs, and every other individual from their own country, I want to share this blog with the world, so let your friends know if they play KSP, because come on, we should all be playing this game.
This is it.
Now for my personal mission i want something cool, what i want you to do is to get into a 300km orbit around the earth. Thats the easy part. What i want to see is ONE maneuver node that fly's by the mun slingshots around Minmus back to earth, with a periapsis of below 50km on the return. This is to be a fly by trajectory changing sphere of influence for all moons orbiting the earth. Remember, ONE maneuver, show me your screenshots, Ill do the challenge too and post what i get.
Good Luck!
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